The Illusion of Choice

“We can never see past the choices we don’t understand”. These are just words, line from The Matrix actually. Yet it holds meaning, it conveys human emotions, human thoughts. What does it all mean? There is a whole world out there waiting to be explored. So much living yet to do, so many experiences still to be had. Yet we each sit in our own little worlds. It is so hard to see beyond our own front door, even in this age where the world is more connected than it has ever been before. So many of us choose to live in the metaphorical matrix. We accept the illusion as reality. But what about those who question everything?


It is the butterfly effect on a personal level. One choice, one decision made today, can and will affect the rest of your life. That truth is hard to accept for most people. For some it is extremely difficult to imagine spending the rest of your life with just one person. How do you know that 20 years from now you are still going to be attracted to that other person? Speaking from personal experience, I’ve run into some ex’s and that spark is completely gone. Some are even repulsive to me now. However, there are some choices, personal tastes, which never change. Take music for example. In our childhood and teen years, we are subjected to our parents’ tastes then discover our own. From what I have seen, those choices made in youth stick with us. Very rarely will someone change from country to alternative or vice versa. The genre of books a person enjoys is also a choice that rarely changes.


With age comes experience and wisdom. We learn knew information every day, as long as we are open to learning.


A 2011 Halloween Story